Special Meals Accommodation Forms

If your child requires a special diet provided by the school cafeteria for medical reasons, please complete the Special Meal Accommodation Form and have it signed by a doctor. 

Completed forms can be sent to Child Nutrition Services by emailing: [email protected]


Fax: 760-724-5605

Mail: VUSD Child Nutrition Services 4680 North Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92056

Questions?  Please email or call us at 760-726-2170 x92404

Special Meal Accommodation Form English
Special Meals Accommodation Form – Español
Milk Substitution Form – English
Milk Substitution Form – Español

P-EBT Information

Games For Kids & Families

Here are a few downloadable PDF games that you can play as a family to get your kids thinking about their food choices.


Harvest Of The Month Resources

Harvest of the Month Information and Classroom Newsletter

Harvest Of The Month Classroom Flyer
Harvest Of The Month Official Website
Harvest of the Month Information
Tasting Trio Teacher Cookbook From Harvest Of The Month

2023-2024 Harvest Of The Month Featured Items*

September 2023: Dried Fruit

Dried Fruit: Lesson Plan
Dried Fruit: Family Newsletter (English)
Dried Fruit: Family Newsletter (Español)
Dried Fruit: Flyer

October 2023: Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom Tomatoes: Lesson Plan
Heirloom Tomatoes: Family Newsletter (English)
Heirloom Tomatoes: Family Newsletter (Español)
Heirloom Tomatoes: Flyer

November 2023: Persimmons

Persimmons: Lesson Plan
Persimmons: Classroom Newsletter

Persimmons: Family Newsletter (English)
Persimmons: Family Newsletter (Español)
Persimmons: Flyer

December 2023: Apples

Apples: Lesson Plan
Apples: Classroom Newsletter

Apples: Family Newsletter (English)
Apples: Family Newsletter (Español)
Apples: Flyer

January 2024: Salad Greens

Salad Greens: Lesson Plan
Salad Greens: Classroom Newsletter

Salad Greens: Family Newsletter (English)
Salad Greens: Family Newsletter (Español)
Salad Greens: Flyer

February 2024: Kiwi

Kiwi: Lesson Plan
Kiwi: Classroom Newsletter

Kiwi: Family Newsletter (English)
Kiwi: Family Newsletter (Español)
Kiwi: Flyer

March 2024: Berries

Berries: Lesson Plan
Berries: Classroom Newsletter
Berries: Family Newsletter (English)

Berries: Family Newsletter (Español)
Berries: Flyer

April 2024: Snap Peas

Snap Peas: Lesson Plan
Snap Peas: Classroom Newsletter

Snap Peas: Family Newsletter (English)
Snap Peas: Family Newsletter (Español)
Snap Peas: Flyer

May 2024: Grapefruit

Grapefruit: Lesson Plan
Grapefruit: Classroom Newsletter

Grapefruit: Family Newsletter (English)
Grapefruit: Family Newsletter (Español)
Grapefruit: Flyer

* Items subject to change based on availability from our farmer suppliers

Cooking Cart:
Bring this mobile kitchen into your classroom and teach your students how to prepare fresh, healthy, and delicious meals.  WaveCrest Cafe will deliver the cart and the ingredients for one of the recipes in our manual to your site to get your kids cooking!

Reserve the cart today by contacting Vanessa Luna.

Cooking Cart Book

Plan a campus-wide wellness event at your site or a whole week devoted to healthy habits.

Prevent Food Waste

Here’s a helpful guide for ways to reduce food waste that can be used in the classroom, by families and students: PreventFoodWaste

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) FAQs


What does CEP stand for?

CEP stands for Community Eligibility Provision.


What is CEP?

Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, is a USDA program that allows low-income schools to offer meals to all students at no cost and without requiring applications from families. CEP schools are reimbursed for meals based on the percentage of students eligible for free meals due to participating in certain programs, such as SNAP and TANF.  


Who pays for Community Eligibility Provision?

The USDA reimburses CEP schools for all school meals during the 4-year period. 


How do schools qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)?

Schools qualify for CEP based on the school’s identified student percentage (ISP). An ISP is determined by calculating the number of students who are directly certified to receive free meals on the basis of their receipt of CalFresh, California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Medi-Cal benefits, and the extension of those benefits to students within the same household. The calculation also includes students who are certified as homeless, migrant, runaway, foster, and income-eligible for Head Start. CEP schools can provide the program for up to 4-years before needing to re-apply.


What meals are offered at no cost at CEP schools?

Both breakfast and lunch are offered at no charge to every student at CEP-qualified schools. We encourage every student to take advantage of these meals and ensure that they are fueled for learning and growing every day.


Do students at CEP schools still need to enter numbers or use the finger reader since everyone eats for free?

Yes. This allows for accountability in case a student has any allergies. It also helps us to accurately track the number of meals served.


Will middle schools still sell snacks?

Middle schools can still sell snacks. The schools will not, however, allow students to charge snacks. They will either need to have money in their account or pay for the snacks at the time of service.


Do teachers at CEP schools get to eat for free?

No, the CEP program only covers students. Teachers and other staff will need to pay the adult meal price.

Refund Request Form

Should you need to request a refund of meal account funds, please download and fill out the form and mail or hand deliver to our office. The address is included on the form.

Request For Refund, Transfer, or Donation


CNS COVID-19 Procedures

Questions?  Please email or call us at 760-726-2170 x92404

Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Handbook