Free Summer Meals: June 23 – August 11
June 16th, 2021
The WaveCrest Cafe Summer Meals Program kicks off Wednesday, June 23rd at six (6) locations. Meal kits similar to those served for the Virtual Meal Service during the school year will be distributed.
Meal kits are offered at no cost to children 18 & under.
Kits are available Wednesdays from 11AM – 1PM at these locations:
Foothill Oak Elementary
Grapevine Elementary
Luz Duran Park
RBV (Rancho Buena Vista) High School
Vista Academy (VAPA)
Vista High School
Meal kits will contain seven (7) days of breakfast and lunch, including bulk quantities of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables which will change weekly based on seasonal availability.
Download Summer Meal Menus Here:
Summer 2021 Menu – English
Menú de verano 2021
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.
Menu subject to change. Menú sujeto a cambios