Spring Break Menus & Schedules

March 25th, 2021

We’ve got great things lined up for Spring Break! We’ll be continuing our Virtual Meal Service at all locations except Madison Middle School – we’re pausing that site just for the week. But you can still join us at all other locations on Wednesday, March 31st at the same times as always.

The Virtual Meal Service will still deliver 7 days of breakfast and lunch. For Spring Break we’ll have packs that have individual meals for each of the days; bulk meal service for Virtual will resume after the break.

(Virtual Meal Service)

8:00 – 9:00 AM: Roosevelt Middle School; Vista High School

11 AM – 1 PM: Foothill Oak; Grapevine; Maryland; RBV; Roosevelt; VAPA; Vista High

3:00 – 4:00 PM: Vista High School
*** Note: No service at Madison Middle School during Spring Break

Menus for Virtual Meal Service can be found on our Menu page.



For students attending the AM/PM program daily at any of the following elementary schools, the menu is posted on our Menu Page. Alamosa; Breeze Hill; Empresa; Lake; T.H.E. Leadership Academy.