Mission Meadows Elementary Spins a Tale of Nutrition
April 15th, 2019
The line was non-stop and the energy palpable across the cafeteria and playground as Mission Meadows Elementary students welcomed the WaveCrest Cafe blender bikes to their school. The buzz started during recess as the bikes were being set up and ingredients assembled. Once lunch time started students flocked to the bikes to get a taste of fresh fruit smoothies and a chance to power the bikes themselves.
As always, the bikes served as a means of talking about the fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables available daily at the school, including a bountiful salad bar that offers side items and toppings for meals. Principal Dr. Bill Porter kicked off the festivities with the first ride of the day, and PTA members volunteered for the event, making things run smoothly.
Photos and a few videos are available in our gallery here. Enjoy!